Friday, June 3, 2011

More Beds!

So ... i'm putting in three more beds this weekend.  <g>  more broad beans to be sure! i've got my diggers order ready to go .... can't believe it's about time to start thinking about the seedlings that need to get planted for the spring planting!  makes a heart hope!

anyone know much about bush tucker?  i'm thinking about dedicating a small area of my front yard to that ... it could be very fun, and a great learning experience for us and the kids!  let me know if you guys know anything about that!


  1. Hi Maggie, there is a book by an Author named Tim Lee.... cant remember the name of it though. Anyway, it was an excellent resource on Australian bush foods. Might be worth asking the book store.

  2. Sorry, have had trouble posting comments on this has taken me ages to get it right. I think it is something to do with my computer though, not the blog!
    We planted broadies last week . They are delicious when picked young.
    Good luck with the bush tucker . I love all the australian bush spices like lemon myrtle .
