Sunday, March 20, 2011

We are the Masarap Mob!

This is great!  Thanks to Jo and Joe for issuing the challenge!  I hope heaps of folks take it up .... and recognise it's not just about one moment in time ... preparing "a" meal or set of meals .... but about the process of getting there and the experiences we have along the way! 

A bit about us.  We are Maggie (aka: mum), Scott (aka: Dad), and our three adorable children from the Philippines, Lea - 8, Raymie - 6 and JJ - 4.  Our team name Masarap, comes from the national language of the Philippines and means ,"yummy eat up!"  Mum has been veggie gardening with mixed success for 2 years.  The kids love to dig up potato's and eat the cherry tomato's .... oh yeah, and chase the chooks whenever possible.  So as long as gardening is fun .... they are on board.  Dad is very supportive of the whole endeavour and builds patches and clears area's .... but his main role is to provide the money so that we can do more!  LOL. 

Over the past 6 months we have become more and more convinced that we are actually closet "permies" ... or permaculture minded folks.  We need to leave this planet in a better state than we found it and we need to be re-using and re-cycling wherever possible.   

I am excited about this challenge .... it is something to focus on.  At first i thought i would just try and do challenge #1: one meal.  But what the heck .... in for a penny, in for a pound .... my goal is by the time winter ends .... i will have fed my family for a whole day on food from our yard! 


  1. Welcome on Board Masarap Mob! How exciting! We look forward to hearing lots more about your gardening odyssey. Good luck! What have you put in the plot for Autumn?

    Garlic and broad beans are a must for March. We just need to stop Thelma (renegade chook) digging them up.

    cant wait to see who else gets on board!


  2. You'll have to share your secret for growing good garlic .... i am not doing that very well at all! I've got broccoli, cauliflower and celeriac in. Broad beans will go in in about a week (my first time to do seed saving!). Just need to finish digging up the last of the tomato's. I've also got a couple of varieties of spinach in and as soon as the last of the zuchini are up i'll get into the peas and a few other root crops as well. I should grow lettuce but i have a thing about finding slugs in it ....

    I've told several friends about this and issues the challenge as well. One is in QLD and is currently growing a banana tree and star fruit! How jealous am i!

