Monday, April 11, 2011

Taking up the Challenge

Hi Joe & Jo.

My Family; Dad (Chris), Mum (Claudia), and kids Liv (8) & Tom (1.5) are from the Hunter Valley, NSW. We read your blog all the time and find there are always lots of helpful tips and funny stories for our enjoyment. When we saw that you were issuing a challenge to your followers, we couldn't help but be intrigued. We are just starting out in the veggie patch business and of late our garden has become very sad looking. Not ones to back down from a challenge we have decided to start again! Hopefully, we can have some produce before the challenge ends. If all goes well with the new garden, we are hoping to complete challenge 1 - one meal! Wish us luck!


  1. I look forward to hearing how it goes Claudia! What are you guys planting (or re-planting!) at this point? I'm sure you guys will do great! Look forward to hearing how the seedlings come up!

  2. Welcome Chris, Claudia, Liv and Tom! Hooray, more die hard gardeners. Fear not if your garden looks sad. A few purple carrots, broad beans, lettuce, silverbeat and cabbages will be a good place to start making it look a lot happier.

    Good luck gang. Keep us posted!

  3. Hey team, so pleased you are back! You two are like a constant, subconscious reminder.. Have been planting throw away seeds, pumkin, rockmelon, cucumber in semi fertile soil, they're sprouting.. have a bumper herb garden blossoming,.. look forward to helpful tips and anecdotes.. as you say, 'from little things..'. Which incidentally, I think should become the national anthem! love you love ya work, Manfred Brown xxx
